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Technical Information

Mountains in Fog

Finnish Study

Swiss Study



Store in its weatherproof bag or container in dry areas.


Bulk bags have protective liners suitable for outdoor storage.

Bulk materials require dry storage.

EcoIceGrip can be spread manually or with conventional equipment.

EcoIceGrip won’t freeze in spreaders or storage bins.


In La Chaux-de-Fonds, there was concern about the possibility of contamination of the wood chips with heavy metals due to road traffic, as happens with other abrasives and de-icers. This is an important consideration, since the material would have to undergo costly post-winter collection and treatment as toxic waste.

To  make a determination, La Chaux-de-Fonds commissioned a study. Samples of wood chips were collected at a few sites in the urban centre at the end of the winter and measured for heavy metal concentrations. For comparison purposes, the heavy metals in samples of unused treated chips were also measured.


In the untreated chips, any heavy metal concentrations are derived from the wood proper, as well as from some impurities in the brine coating used to treat them.

The study found that the chips applied to pedestrian walkways along high-traffic roads do not act as sinks for heavy metals.

The traction chips can be recovered for mulch or composting. By mixing the recovered traction chips with grass clippings, for example, you can improve the required carbon/nitrogen ratio of your compost.


(The selected analytic method is based on the Federal Ordinance on Chemical Risk Reduction – Switzerland – Full ARPEA study available in its entirety).

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) available  on request.

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